Microbes, Biodiversity and the Benefits of Getting Dirty
By David Suzuki with contributions from David Suzuki Foundation’s Senior Editor Ian Hanington We’re surrounded by life, but Earth’s most plentiful living […]
Strengthen Your Core, Through Your Posterior Chain
You often hear about the importance of strengthening your core. This is so true and important, but the focus for how to […]
Nerve System Function and Wellness
The term “wellness” is becoming common and being used by many holistic care groups to describe the type of care they are […]
Improved Infant Sleep with Chiropractic
Many parents can relate to what it’s like to have an infant with sleep problems. They’re no fun for the infant, and […]
Soaring Numbers of Children on Powerful Adult Psychiatric Drugs
There has been a concerted effort by pharmaceutical companies to prescribe toxic antipsychotic drugs to children. Now the “success” of this campaign […]
Why to Detox Cleanse
Despite the fact that we may try to eat healthy, we still absorb a lot of junk from our environment. Our bodies are […]
It’s Time to Start Moving
We are born to move. It sounds so simple, but yet all too often our lifestyles become more and more sedentary. Sir […]
52 Weeks of Thanks
This year we celebrated our 15th year anniversary since we opened Vaughan Chiropractic!…and we give sincere thanks to you and your families for continuing […]
We are Giving Thanks!
We are giving thanks to our community, this Thursday October 9th, 3-6pm at our annual Thanksgiving Patient Appreciation Day. We are thankful […]
Uncovering Your Food Sensitivities
As you move along your path towards optimal health, food sensitivities and food intolerances usually come up. It is often a part […]
Clumsiness Scale
Research is currently being conducted in the positive role that chiropractic plays in assisting those who have poor proprioceptive function. Proprioception is […]
Optimized Performance in Young Athletes
When moms and dads bring their kids to see me, they bring their children for a variety of health reasons and […]