Hey Kids – Keep your “Heads Up” this Summer!

When I played  Varsity volleyball, my old coach, mentor and friend, Dave Preston, use to hit balls so hard and fast at us in a drill we called Kojima.  If we didn’t have our “heads up” we typically suffered the bruising consequence of a leather ball to the head. Although it was lots of fun at the time, the headaches that followed didn’t help our grades at all. 

For parents around the world these days, many share a wish to see their kids live more with their “Heads Up” too. Poor posture is everywhere – have you noticed it? Just visit your average public library, mall or household basement and you’ll see what I see. Kids on PC’s, laptop’s, pads and all other portable electronic devices & game toys are subjecting themselves to the horrible health consequences of having their heads down for hours at a time almost every day.   

As our love affair for portable electronic devices continues to escalate, health problems around the world are escalating too. According to new research from the Chiropractors Association of Australia (CAA), “the majority of technology users assume poor posture while using electronic devices,” Dr Floreani, president of CAA explained. According to this research, soon to be conducted in Canada as well, 80 per cent of users acknowledge the need to improve their posture while using computers but not other devices. In fact, only 49 per cent of respondents consider their posture while texting!”

In Australia, nearly 50 per cent of children are using their laptop more today than they were five years ago, while one third has increased their use of PC/desktops and texting on mobile phones. In young adults ages 18 – 39, the numbers show an increase of 54 per cent using their laptop more, 40 per cent texting more, 37 per cent talking on mobile phones more and 29 per cent using mobile/electronic games more than they did a short five years ago.

The research also shows people are not taking regular breaks when using electronic devices – spending up to two hours at a time using hand held electronic devices and more than three hours at their computer in one sitting. And the worse part is they do it curled up and hunched over even more so they can increase their focus and concentration, rather than on their bellies with the head up.

The CAA is particularly concerned about the impact of modern technology on tomorrow’s adults. Veteran Chiropractors who have been in practice for over 15 years or more have witnessed the technological period of mobile/electronic device use rise in association with severe teenager posture problems.    “We are already seeing a jump in problems triggered by handheld computer games and excessive mobile phone texting amongst children and teens. “This group is most likely to spend their leisure time using electronic devices for long periods of time without taking a break and they are also 4.5 times more likely to have a daily TV habit, rather than a daily physical activity habit. “It’s a lifestyle that is setting them up for big postural problems down the road,” Dr Floreani said.

Which is exactly why Vaughan Chiropractic has always had as its core belief a principle of spinal hygiene for life through regular checkups & optimal spinal health? So it’s time to develop the habits of paying better attention to your posture and to doing the right posture exercises that your spine needs everyday too.

We invite you to check out our new videos under our website front page and v-care services tab as well as to schedule a seat with us for our Next Advanced Wellness Workshop: “Posture Exercise Fun for Everyone”, Wednesday, July 31st at 6:10pm. Call to reserve your seat. Seats are limited to first 15 – free for practice members and $35 for guests (includes complimentary spinal examination).

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To help as many families as possible experience life fully alive together, through optimal spinal health and wellness.