Improved Spinal Alignment, Chronic Low Back Pain and Improved Quality of Life in a 62-year-old Patient Undergoing Chiropractic Care Following Failed Surgical Syndrome: A Case Study & Review of the Literature

Improved Spinal Alignment, Chronic Low Back Pain and Improved Quality of Life in a 62-year-old Patient Undergoing Chiropractic Care Following Failed Surgical Syndrome: A Case Study & Review of the Literature

Rebecca Lapham-Yaun, D.C. & Katheryne Castro, D.C.
Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ January 17, 2019 ~ Pages 10-21


Objective: The purpose of this paper is to report the effects of chiropractic care in a 62-year-old female that presented with a chief complaint of chronic low back pain with concomitant 25.3° right convex thoracolumbar scoliosis as well as an L5 discectomy and an L5-S1 fusion.
Clinical Features: A 62-year-old female presented to the chiropractor with chronic low back pain following failed surgical syndrome from an L5 discectomy and subsequent L5-S1 fusion. The patient underwent surgery 20 and 13 years prior to her visit. She was on 13 different medications for her condition. Examination and x-ray revealed the following: 25.3° right convex thoracolumbar scoliosis at T4-L3 which was measured using the Cobb Method, anterior head translation and a left high ilium. Thermal scan revealed dysautonomia secondary to vertebral subluxation. She sought chiropractic care to improve her quality of life.
Intervention and Outcomes: The patient received chiropractic care utilizing Thompson Technique, massage therapy, Chiropractic Biophysics (CBP) mirror-image exercises, and heel lifts. The patient was initially seen 2 times per week for 6 weeks, then 1 time per week for another 6 weeks until the first re-examination. After the first 3 months of care a re-examination and new x-rays revealed an improvement in thermal scan readings from severe to mild, left high ilium was balanced, posture improved, Cobb angle reduced to 24°. She had decreased low back pain, improved function and quality of life.
Conclusion: Chiropractic care is beneficial in reducing chronic low back pain even in failed surgical syndrome. This case study demonstrated that chiropractic care along with massage, mirror imaging adjustments, and postural exercises improved function, quality of life and improved spinal alignment in an elderly patient. Further studies are suggested.
Keywords: Thompson Technique, Chiropractic BioPhysics, chiropractic, scoliosis, subluxation, adjustment, low back pain, idiopathic scoliosis, antalgic lean, improved quality of life, L5-S1 fusion, discectomy, failed surgical syndrome

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