Longevity: How Much Life will you get out of your Life?

No one really knows, but if you could consider your life as a journey – there would be many different kinds you could take.

A day trip is a short burst of fun that doesn’t require much planning and pacing of energy, time and resources.  An all-out, full-length safari of a vacation is an epic voyage, packed with possibilities, and requiring careful preparation to balance energy, time and resources for maximum enjoyment.  Are you living your life like a series of day trips, or like a safari?

It’s essential to be able to live in the moment, surf with the waves if you will, like a day trip – so that we live each moment fully.  But, to get the most out of your whole life on a long-term basis, you need to think “safari”: to enjoy a long, strong, lively life into your senior years, you need to practice the longevity lifestyle now.  You must take great care of your body, mind and spirit so you have the health and vitality.

The fundamentals of longevity lifestyle include:

Empowered Attitude: take responsibility for your own health, resolve to be positive, and know that it’s never too late!

Tuned Body: nutritious food, pure water, quality sleep (including naps), healthy teeth, regular exercise are essential to your ability to achieve homeostasis on a daily basis

Create Balance: time for yourself, spirituality, loving relationships and giving to others all while living within your means are critical to minimizing stress in your life

Optimal Spinal Health: your one and only spine balances your entire muscular system as well as protects your vital nerve system, which operates and controls all nine other systems in your entire being.  Keeping it well aligned and subluxation free is what we do and a key to overall sustaining of your health & wellness goals.

To learn more about these keys and how to live a longer life with better health, join us for our next V-Care workshop on Wednesday, September 28th at 6:10pm. Call our centre to reserve a seat for you and your guest today!

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To help as many families as possible experience life fully alive together, through optimal spinal health and wellness.