Mind & Mood… Matter

My first grade 9 homeroom teacher Mr. Tucker was an intimidating man. I’ll never forget his front door quote “I prefer the errors of enthusiasm over the indifference of wisdom”, his brush cut trim, blue sports blazer and thick eyebrowed stare.  He also was unique in that he posted above his chalkboard in big bold & black construction paper the word “Attitude”.  When someone acted out of line for anything, at any time, rather than raise a voice, he’d simply turn to the board and point with his stick holder to the word as if to say “please gut check yourself young man – this is your problem in this moment, not mine”.

Indeed his mind & mood had impact on me and all the matter around him for years as a teacher. His ability to function without raising his voice or  expressing anger was so profound in terms of impact, that not only did he help us become better English students, but he helped me and my classmates build best friend relationships which still exist today from almost 25 years ago.

For each of us, it’s a skill we learn to develop to have our minds, moods and actions be a true reflection of our intentions.  Like the video clip shared on our front page this month from the movie what the bleep do you know, the more you learn to align these well, the healthier impact we all hve on the people and environment around us – even our water! 

Another great character example is the genius of A.A. Milne and his beloved Winnie the Pooh and friends. Classically, science categorizes thoughts in two groups. Positive or negative and either past, present of future. So all in all, science says there are approximately six categories which 99% of all though fits into. 

Winnie the Pooh expressed his mind and mood in a Positive future way – or what we refer to in our Chiropractic centre as a vision based state. Always thinking ahead about where and what he wanted (usually honey), and who & how he could help others so that he could get more of what he wanted too. A kind, gentle old bear, no matter the circumstance, he rarely, if ever got out of what I believe is our most pure and natural state. You see this in children and it’s so beautiful to be around.

Then there was Eor, a pefect example of a Negative future character. How awful his future was always going to be. Always defeated, low energy, his floppy ears, drooped head and tail told his story well.  The Positive present state was reflected by Kanga & Roo. Comfortable with themselves with a simple heart open & happy to be alive kind of energy. No sense of urgency or desire in their purpose for living, while Rabbit on the other hand lived in the Negative present state, where all of our worry and judgment can reside. Lastly, Tiger exemplified a Positive Past kind of “trophies I use to have won” kind of attitude while Owl were more living with a Negative Past victim “whoa is me” attitude – most often quenched by a character with a thirst for knowledge.

In Chiropractic, we say the power for all of our healing comes from being in clear vision with what you want. In other words, to be in a healthy Positive Future mindset every day where you are  able to focus on the goals you have laid ahead of yourselve without getting in your way. 

Whether you believe in the impact that intention had on water, or the impact that Winnie the Pooh and characters had on one another, one thing is for sure that your mind and mood do matter and the more you understand it, the more you’ll experience the relevance it has on your behaviour, life, health and relationships for years to come. 

To learn more about how your mind & moods matter… join Dr. Gus & team on Wednesday, June 27th, at 6:10pm, for our next Family Wellness Workshop: The Power of Positive Thinking!

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