Workplace Wellness

We’re dedicated to improving the health and well-being of our community. Wellness within reach is our unique approach, meaning that we bring wellness to your location. For 100 employees or 1,000, it doesn’t matter, we scale our on-site wellness program to make it work for you. We will assess your current wellness situation and establish a pro-active plan for your needs.
We put onsite wellness in reach for companies of all sizes. We offer a unique workplace wellness program with the 4 core pillars of chiropractic care, nutrition, health education and fitness directly in your workplace environment. And Vaughan Chiro follows the philosophy that ‘A business is not healthy until it’s employees are.’ Our program provides the tools to truly engage your employees. We’ll make a positive impact on your organization, while creating a culture of wellness that generates tangible results for your company.

Company studies show the following outcomes with an onsite wellness program:

  • Reduced health care costs and disability claims
  • Higher rates of employee compliance and commitment to health improvement
  • Enhanced employee productivity, health, satisfaction, and retention
Sup­port­ing your employ­ees, team or students in their quest for opti­mal health is an oppor­tu­nity that can set you apart from other CEOs, managers, coaches and organization leaders. Our doctors deliver presentations that help build a strong foundation for wellness, encouraging improved health decisions, increased motivation and healthier lifestyle.

Our Health Topics include:

  • Posture/Text Neck & Spinal Health
  • Eat – Move – Think – Sleep Well Series
  • Boost the Immune System
  • Women’s Wellness

Our speaking engagements include:

  • Corporate & Workplace Wellness talks
  • Presentations for Sports Groups and Associations
  • School & Classroom Spinal Health & Posture presentations
  • Church or Social Club presentations
  • Service & Special Interest Group presentations

The doctors workshops are usually 30-45 minutes in duration, followed by 10 minutes Q&A. And they are best scheduled in the mid-day (often over the team, students or employees lunch).

Vaughan Chiro regularly provides posture screenings to company & sport teams throughout our GTA community. This helps us keep wellness within reach in our community. Many health prob­lems can be avoided with reg­u­lar health screen­ings and tak­ing advan­tage of pre­ven­ta­tive health care is often dif­fi­cult. We provide an interactive onsite posture ­screening to your employ­ees, students or team. The screening test takes 5-7 min­utes and may include a:

  • 2 Minute Health and Stress Survey
  • Digital Pos­ture Assessment
  • Com­put­er­ized Analy­sis of the Nerve System
Our doc­tors per­form all tests, answer health related ques­tions and give referrals if necessary.

Award Winning Chiropractic Care

We believe that health exists when every part of your body is functioning properly. True health occurs when your brain can communicate, uninterrupted, with the rest of your body, tell it what to do, and when to do it. While the resolution of health is typically regarded as something that requires treatment or therapy from the outside in, we recognize that the best treatment is enabling the body to health itself – from the inside-out.


Get in Touch

General Inquiries

905 850-0909

8383 Weston Rd, Unit 108
(Langstaff & Weston Rd)
Vaughan, ON L4L 0K7

Our Centre Hours

Monday 8:00am-11:00am
Tuesday 8:00am-11:00am
Wednesday 11am - 2pm
Thursday 9:00am-11:30am
Friday By Appointment Only (emergencies)
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

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To help as many families as possible experience life fully alive together, through optimal spinal health and wellness.