Think Your Way to Wellness
Why do some people overflow with energy, and others feel overwhelming fatigue? A growing body of research shows how an individual’s attitude […]
Olympic Nutrition
Are you eating like an athlete? How can you improve your nutrition with healthy, high energy, high nutrient food? Roxanne Fisher of […]
Healthy Sleep for Kids
When our older son Max was 3 years old, he faced health challenges with his breathing at night. He was not […]
Backpack Safety Challenges
We hope you had a great transition into the first few weeks back to school with your family! As you and your […]
Eat Well- 5 Principles to Eat By
Many of us know that balance is the key to living a better quality and quantity of life. But like a gymnast […]
The 5 Principles of Improved Functional Movement
During this time of the year, many of us are ramping up our physical activity. Not only doing more of what […]
Chiropractic Care for Fertility Challenges
According to the British Medical Journal, “One in six couples have an unwanted delay in conception.” Research indicates that women ages 35 […]
Maximize Your Sleep Potential
Ahh…the benefits of healthy sleep. Definitely one of the best DAILY deposits we can make for our long term health and well-being […]
Are You Thinking or Sinking?
There was a quote in our centre for years, on the wall above our adjusting tables… ”It is only with the heart […]
The Evolution of Our Heart
As so many of us know, our heart, the life giving pump that it is, plays a critical role in our health, each […]
Move to Groove – The 5 Functional Pillars
Last January, we blogged about the importance of not only moving your body, but learning to do it in a variety of […]
Create A Vision For Your Health
A lot of people go through life working hard in whatever it is they do, but still feel that they are not […]