Think Your Way to Wellness

Why do some people overflow with energy, and others feel overwhelming fatigue?

A growing body of research shows how an individual’s attitude towards health can determine whether they experience vibrant well-being or constant suffering.

At Vaughan Chiropractic, we encourage practice members to adopt new ways of thinking about health…a wellness attitude.

Adopt a Wellness Attitude

A wellness attitude focusses on prevention, rather than masking symptoms with medication. Practice members with wellness attitudes don’t wait until they are in pain to visit Dr Gus or Dr Jacqueline. They know that regular checkups and adjustments ward off disease.

For many immersed in the allopathic medical approach to health, adopting a wellness attitude requires a dramatic paradigm shift. For some this shift comes naturally. For others, learning a new approach may take years, and may provoke a sense of discomfort. Despite the process, one thing is for certain: adopting a wellness attitude is always life optimizing.

Start with the Spine

A wellness attitude starts with the spine.

The nervous system plays a role in all functions of the body, including regulating the immune system, breathing, digestion, and the reproductive system. Because the nervous system is housed within the spinal column, any misalignments or subluxations of the spine prevent the nervous system from functioning properly.

This is why chiropractic care centres specifically on correcting the dysfunctional areas of the spine, called subluxations.

Think Prevention First

Do you wait until your teeth fall out from decay before visiting the dentist? Do you linger until your car’s radiator overheats before replenishing the coolant? Do you put off an eye exam until you can no longer read the newspaper? If you answered “no” to any of these, you’re well on your way to adopting a wellness attitude. Yet, while many understand the value of preventive dental checkups, they fall short when it comes to spinal health.

Just as it is vital to maintain regular dental and eye checkups, it is essential to schedule regular chiropractic checkups. Ideal checkup frequency varies between individuals – depending on health history, stress levels, sports activities and work postures.

Willpower is Not the Answer

Millions of people start each new year resolving to get in shape. In January attendance at fitness gyms soars, but then drop rapidly by Feb 1st.

The problem with willpower is that, sooner or later, it wars off. When it comes to wellness, willpower is a shortterm fix to a longterm challenge.

Behavioural experts share that ‘habits’ are the solution to longterm lifestyle transformations. The human mind thrives on routine and resists change. Therefore, in order to make change last, it must become routine.

Successful habit formation requires the following 3 things:

1.Breaking down the challenge into smaller steps


3.Suspension of self-judgement

We will discuss these in detail at our upcoming Living Wellness Workshop: “Think Well” on March 26th, 6:10pm. Attendance is limited and complimentary to practice members, and $35 for guests, including the opportunity to have a complimentary checkup following the workshop.

Make Your Health Number One

Adopting a wellness attitude means pledging to make health a first priority. This shift is difficult for many, especially parents who argue that their children should always come first. However, these caregivers do not realize the impact that their attitudes about health have on their children.

Children learn by example, and above all else, their parent’s actions far outweigh their words. What message are you sending your children, when you neglect to take time for self-care?

Join us on March 26th, 6:10pm at Vaughan Chiropractic, to learn more at our Living Wellness Workshop: “Think Well.”

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To help as many families as possible experience life fully alive together, through optimal spinal health and wellness.